We are excited to announce two upcoming courses designed for both non-profit organizations and corporations that are intent on maximizing their social impact. Join us on October 3-6, 2023 for "The Basic Course on Fund Raising #75" and "The Art of Collaboration: NGO-Corporate Partnerships That Work"! Both fund raising courses will be held at the Exodus Room, Roofdeck, Prestige Tower, in Ortigas Center. Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/9TpKwS9CwKRshsvy6
Avail of the Early Bird discount, available only until August 7, 2023! We are also offering discounted rates for groups, and for those who want to attend the back-to-back courses. For more information about the courses, schedule, and rates, you may access our primer here: https://bit.ly/B2BCoursePrimer2023

The Basic Course on Fund Raising #75
We are holding the 75th run of our best-selling course on October 3-5! The Basic Course on Fund Raising (BCFR) is designed to equip individuals and organizations with essential knowledge and skills to effectively raise funds for their programs and causes. Participants will learn the basic principles and fundamentals of successful fundraising, including planning, implementing, and evaluating various fundraising campaigns and strategies.
Attending the BCFR will benefit individuals and organizations that want to professionalize and sustain their fund raising efforts. In the past, we have had attendees from NGOs, schools, hospitals, faith-based organizations, and corporate foundations, among others. Experienced fund raisers, board members, and development leaders also attend the BCFR to acquire new fund raising skills and ideas.
The Art of Collaboration: NGO-Corporate Partnerships That Work
In line with Venture’s previous best-selling Art of Asking workshop comes a new and expanded course: the Art of Collaboration (AoC)! The 1-day course will be held on October 6, and it is designed to encourage more engagement between NGOs and corporations. The course will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to understand partnership motivations, better identify suitable partners, align goals and objectives, and other elements to successfully build a mutually beneficial relationship between NGOs and corporations.
Aside from in-depth lectures on partnerships and collaborations, we have invited key resource speakers who can provide enlightening perspectives on and experiences in the NGO-Corporate sector. Stay tuned for further updates on the lecture topics and speakers!

How to register?
Fill out the registration form through this link. You may email us at ania@venture-asia.org should you have any other questions/concerns.
After accomplishing your registration form, our team will be sending you a statement of account. Kindly settle the registration fee via online bank transfer or bank deposit.
Once settled, kindly send us a photo or a scanned copy of the deposit slip or screenshot of your online transaction as proof of payment.
As soon as our Finance Unit confirms the receipt of payment, we will send a soft copy of your Official Receipt, and the hard copy will be given at the workshop.
Announcements and other reminders will be sent directly via email.